City of Beaconsfield – Summer day camps to start on July 6


BEACONSFIELD, QC, June 15, 2020 /CNW/ – As public health authorities are endorsing the resumption of activities for children, the City of Beaconsfield is pleased to announce that summer day camps will open on July 6.

Given the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Québec Government’s public health agency, the rules for physical distancing, cough and sneeze etiquette as well as hand hygiene must be observed in order to ensure the continued health of children, parents, and camp counsellors.

“We know that day camps are an important service for many parents in Beaconsfield and that children have enriching experiences and build relationships in their community. We have therefore chosen to maintain them this summer, by adjusting to government directives, “said Mayor Bourelle.

The interest in our popular summer day camps was quickly confirmed during the registration period. The counsellor/camper ratio per age group has been increased to respect the first guidelines issued by the public health authorities although these ratios have been adjusted in the meantime to allow the usual ratio.

However rigorous and robust, the measures put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 cannot guarantee the elimination of the risk of contagion in camps, as community-wide transmission may be possible through infected yet asymptomatic persons.

We remind you that children or parents presenting symptoms associated with COVID-19 must stay at home and self-isolate for 14 days, as prescribed by the National Public Health Institute.

SOURCECity of Beaconsfield


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