Pamper Your Pooch on National Dog Day


A canine ‘SPAW’ day is what your dog deserves

Photo by Victor Grabarczyk on Unsplash

August 26, 2020: STONEY CREEK, Ont. — For all of their unquestioned loyalty and devotion, dogs are an important part of our lives.

They keep us company, are our protectors and are always there to support and love us. It is only fair that we return the favor; on National Dog Day (August 26th), do your pup a favor and treat it to a full pampering — a ‘spaw’ if you will — that will not only leave them looking refreshed, but is good for their overall pet health.

But when selecting a grooming place to take care of your dog, it is incumbent on you to be judicious. After all, you are leaving your cherished pet in their care, and you need a level of trust that will treat your four-legged loved one the way it deserves to be treated.

Ogena Solutions, a North American company that specializes in biosecurity in veterinary, agriculture and pet grooming businesses, offers the following advice when selecting a dog groomer:

  • Trust Word of Mouth — There are few better recommendations than a referral from someone you know and trust. Ask around among family and friends or at the dog park about where they have their dog groomed.
  • Look for Packages — If you want to give your dog the full treatment, look for a package deal that offers good value.
  • Check out Their Social Media Presence — You can find out a lot about a groomer by what they post on their social channels. Do they use social solely as a marketing tool to promote sales or specials? Or do they offer general tips on caring for your pets? Perhaps they share pictures of all the happy dogs they have pampered. Those channels tell a story.
  • Ask What Tools They Use — Into the nitty gritty, inquire about their process and procedures. A calm area will keep your dog calm.  Ask what kind of system they’re using to wash your dog. A professional washing system creates less noise and doesn’t require dogs to go into a nervous situation. And they do a better job. Leading edge groomers utilize the same system used by leading veterinary dermatologists; an Anivac Bathing Wand cleans from the skin up instead of the top down and utilizes a flushing action that gently massages a dog’s hair follicles while removing dirt not just from their fur, but also from their skin below. In fact, it’s the commercial version of the technology used in the Bissell Bark Bath, a hugely successful bathing system available on Amazon.
  • Make Sure it’s a Clean Place — Cleanliness and sanitation are among the most important things to look for at a groomer. Animals can get sick and spread germs to other pets if the location is not kept extremely clean; this can also mean unpleasant odors, and there is no way your aroma-sensitive pooch will be able to relax in a smelly room. In a clean establishment you can be assured that you will get a clean pet in return.

For more information, please visit Follow Ogena Solutions on Twitter @OgenaSolutions and Facebook at /OgenaSolutions.


Pic: Photo by Victor Grabarczyk on Unsplash

SOURCEOgena Solutions